Creative Church - learning to be wise and creating footprints in Footprints!


We had a good time in Creative Church (in Footprints @ The Beacon) at our various sessions during the year learning about different aspects of following Jesus. In August we concentrated on wise people who build their houses upon the rock, which gives them a firm foundation and when bad weather comes, it will be strong enough to protect them.

As people, Jesus tells us to build our lives on the strong foundation of faith. When life becomes difficult, our strong faith will help us through.



At our session in July we learnt about following in the footprints of Jesus. Afterwards we went into the main church to show the congregation what we had been doing. Why don't you come and join us at the next Creative Church session on the first Sunday of each month at 10.30am?



Our church is growing!


We were very pleased to welcome Arthur Teddy into the church family on Sunday 29 May by baptism. We also welcomed Clare, Gill and Audrey as members of the church on Sunday 27 March, and on Sunday 3 April we had the baptism of Ezra. It was good to see so many of Ezra's family and friends with us. On Easter Sunday we were delighted to witness Alice's baptism and welcome her into membership of our church. All of these friends are very much in our prayers as they continue their Christian journey.



Our Easter celebrations


On Palm Sunday, an ecumenical service was held at St Mary's Church in Cannon Street, Dover, which included the planting of the crosses, one of which was carried from The Beacon.


Walk of Witness took place around Dover on Good Friday around the town centre before going up to Dover Castle and the church of St Mary-in-Castro where the crosses were planted there overlooking Dover.


The Easter Sunday Sunrise Service, next to St Mary-in-Castro, was at 5.30am, giving people the chance to celebrate Easter as the sun rose over the Channel.


Our Easter Sunday service at The Beacon was conducted by Deacon Michelle Legumi, and included the baptism and welcome into membership for Alice. We are delighted she has taken this step on her Christian journey.



Sea Sunday Service


We joined with people from other churches, as well as those from the port community, for the Sea Sunday Service outside Dover Lifeboat Station on Sunday 10 July. It was good to remember, give thanks and pray for all those who work at the port and on the sea.



Harvest Time - come, you thankful people, come


We are grateful to the Rev John Lines MBE for leading our Harvest Festival service on Sunday, 2 October, when we gave thanks to God for all that he provides for us, especially our food. We also thought about the mis-use of the resources we are given, which spoil God's world.


Meanwhile, our children were meeting in Creative Church for their own harvest service which included baking bread. Then they brought their harvest gifts into the church and joined with us to sing All Things Bright and Beautiful, complete with actions!


The food and gifts we brought will be used to help those less fortunate, including those who use the Dover Pantry and the Dover Foodbank.



Advent and Christmas


A big thank you to the children (and their leaders) from Creative Church who performed their specially-written Nativity Play at our morning service on Sunday 18 December. Glenys, who wrote it, was the television presenter finding witnesses to the unusual events that had been taking place leading up to the birth of the baby Jesus. The Shepherds and the Wise Men made their way to the stable where Jesus was born. And despite having just given birth, Mary sang a lovely unaccompanied solo, Sing From Your Heart. Thank you to everyone who took part and all those who came to join us at this service.


In the evening we joined with our friends at River Methodist Church for their carol service.


During our journey through the Advent period and at each of the Advent Sunday services we lit another candle to remember a particular aspect of this season. 



Our Christmas Day worship was led by one of our Ministers, Rev Catherine Wagstaff.


On Boxing Day we provided a warm space in Footprints to gather and enjoy each other's company as well as a buffet, carols and quizzes.





This was the nativity scene set up in Footprints @ The Beacon.